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THOMA Pierre
TING Walasse
TREMOIS Pierre-Yves
Walasse TING
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1929 - 2010
Contemporary Art
TING Walasse

Walasse Ting (October 13, 1929 Shanghai – May 17, 2010 New York) was a Chinese-American visual artist and poet. His colorful paintings have attracted critical admiration and a popular following. Common subjects include nude women and cats, birds and other animals.

Ting was born in Wuxi, China in 1929, but was raised in Shanghai where by his own account; he first began painting on sidewalks. In 1950 he moved to Paris where he lived for 11 years,and formed close friendships with members of the CoBrA Group. Eight years later Ting emigrated to New York, where he became involved with pop artists and was influence by Abstract Expressionism.Since 1961, he has been living in New York, making long and frequent trips to Europe, South America and the Far East.

His work is to be found in many public collections including: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Guggenheim Museum, New York; Tate Gallery, London; Museum of Art Hong Kong; The Chrysler Museum, Provincetown and the Musee Cernuschi, Paris.

Works acquired by:

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Chicago Art Institute, Chicago
Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit
Chrysler Museum, Provincetown
Musée Cernuschi, Paris
Silkeborg Kunstmuseum, Danemark
Randers Museum, Randers, Danemark
Rockefeller University, New York
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Baltimore Museum, Baltimore
Israel National Museum, Jérusalem
Philadelphia Museum, Philadelphie
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh
U.S. Steel, Pittsburgh
Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh
Museum of Fine Art, Boston
Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara
Chrysler Museum at Norfolk, Virginie
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo
Hopkins Center Art Galleries, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, New Hampshire
M C A, Los Angeles
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
National Gallery of Art, Reykjavik, Islande

Main shows:

1952 Hôtel Cecil, Hong Kong
1954 Galerie Paul Fachetti, Paris
1956 Galerie Taptoe, Bruxelles
1957 Galerie Chalette, New York
1959 Galerie Martha Jackson, New York
1960 Galerie Martha Jackson, New York
Galerie Espace, Amsterdam
Galerie Birch, Copenhague
1961 Galerie Van de Loo, Munich
Galerie Rive Gauche, Paris
Galerie Smith, Bruxelles
1961, 1964, 1976, 1970
Carnegie International - Pittsburgh
1962 Galerie SI. Stephan, Vienne
1963 Galerie Lefebre, New York
Galerie Birch, Copenhague
1966 Galerie Lefebre, New York
1967 Galerie Lefebre, New York
Galerie J. L. Hudson, Detroit
1968 Galerie Lefebre, New York
Galerie de France, Paris
1969 Galerie Lefebre, New York
1970 Galerie Lefebre, New York
Galerie Birch, Copenhague
Galerie Esther Bear, Santa Barbara
1971 Galerie Lefebre, New York
1972 Galerie Lefebre, New York
1974 Galerie Minami, Tokyo
Galerie Adrien Maeght, Paris
1975 Galerie Birch, Copenhague
Musée national, Taipei
Galerie Nord, Randers, Danemark
1977 Galerie Adrien Mœght, Paris
Galerie Grafica Club, Milan
1978 Lens Fine Art, Anvers
Galerie Aele, Madrid
1979 Galerie Nouvelles Images, La Haye
Galerie Lefebre, New York
1980-1983 Galerie Lefebre, New York
Galerie Dessers, Hasselt, Belgique
Galerie Nouvelles Images, La Haye
Galerie Koppelmann, Leverkusen
Lens Fine Arts, Anvers
Galerie Grafica Club, Milan
Galerie Birch, Copenhague
Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg
National Gallery of Art, Reykjavik
1984 Gallerihuset, Copenhague
Lefebre Gallery, New York
Lung Men Art Gallery, Taipei
Avant-Garde Art Center, Taichung, Taipei
Lung Chiang Art Gallery, Kao-hsuing, Taipei
Galerie BBL, Anvers
Galerie 2RC, Rome et Milan
1985 Art Unlimited, Amsterdam
Galerie La Hune, Paris
Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Galerie Asbœk, Copenhague
1986 Galerie Nouvelles Images, La Haye
P. Galerie, Hambourg
Galeria dei Manifesto, Vérone
Galerie Dessers, Hasselt, Belgique
Kunstforum, Gand
Alisan Fine Arts Gallery, Hong Kong
1987 Galerie Asbaek, Copenhague
Galerie Esperanza, Montréal
Artibus et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Elfin Art Gallery, Quebec
Ars Mundi, Hanovre
Galerie l'Orangeraie, Genève
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan
1988 Lung Men Art Gallery, Taiwan
Galerie Alcolea, Barcelone
Galerie Alcolea, Madrid

SOURCE: Wikipedia ...

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