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1921 - 2009
Ecole de Paris

Avati was born on May 27,1921 in Monaco but has spent his working life in Paris. He died 26th February 2009 in Paris.
Together, with the expatriate Japanese artist Shoichi Hasegawa and Yozo Hamaguchi in Tokyo he led the revival of mezzotint as a popular print medium. This painstaking and laborious technique has a richness which no other type of etching can emulate. The depth of colour obtained, particularly the blacks, have a velvety quality. Avati's works are all still lifes,. The inspiration is obviously classical but he is a 'modern' artist in every way

Mario Avati was born , in Monaco in 1921.
He studied at the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs in Nice and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Paris.
Practise the carving of any techniques since 1947.
From 1957, produced almost exclusively carvings in the black way, at first in black, and since 1969 in colour.
To date, Avati has made over 400 prints and illustrated six deluxe editions of books with original plates. He was awarded the Prix de la Critique for drawing and printmaking, is member of the most important societies of printmakers in France and has had twenty-one man shows in Europe and the U.S. His work is included in international print shows (Tokyo, Ljubljana, Paris) and in the collection of the leading museums and institutions in the U.S. , Europe and the Far East. The artist describes the there of this print as "the eternal struggle between light and darkness, day and night, life and death."

Main Bibliography
The "Bibliothèque des Arts" in Paris, publish the descriptive catalogue of Mario Avati works, commented by Roger Passeron.

Tome I - 1947-1954 - préface de Jean Adhemar - edited in 1977
Tome II - 1955-1960 - préface de Brassaï - edited in 1974
Tome III - 1961-1967 - préface de Thomas Hoving - edited in 1973
Tome IV - 1968-1975 - préface de François Daulte - edited in 1979
Tome V - 1976-1983 - préface de Giorgio Soavi - edited in 1984
Tome VI - 1984-1990 - préface de WJ Strachan - edited in 1991

Price and distinctions
1957 Prix de la critique, Paris.
1969 Golden medal in the first international exhibition of graphic art of Florence.
1972 The Lion Club's Price in the third international exhibition of graphic art of Florence.
1980 The French postal services reproduces on a stamp commemorating "la Journée du Timbre 1980", the carving "The letter to Amélie".
1981 Grand prix des Arts de la Ville de Paris.
1997 Price of carving, Portland Art Museum.
1997 Price Nahed Ojjeh, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

Main reviews in museums and public institutions

1962 University of Maine Museum, Orono.
1967 UCLA Museum, Los Angeles.
1968 Allentown Art Museum, Pa.
1972 Museo del Risogimento, Turin.
Palazo Comunale, Alessandria.
1975 Cercle des Beaux-Arts, Verviers.
University of California Museum, Santa Cruz.
1976 Museum of Modern Art, Santa Barbara.
1977 Musée de Maubeuge.
Musée de Hammatsu.
Musée de Yokohama.
1978 Centre français en Italie.
1980 Musée de la Poste, Paris.
1983 Musée de Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.
Musée de Douai.
Musée d'Arras.
Musée d'Art Contemporain, Dunkerque. 1984 Musée de Beauvais.
Stockalperschloss, Brig.
1985 Musée de Gravelines.
Palais de l'Europe, Menton.
1986 Maison de la Culture, Metz.
1988 Centre Culturel, Maubeuge.
1990 Sala Culturale, Cavriago.
1991 Fondation de l'Hermitage, Lausanne.
1992 Fondation Carcan, Bruxelles.
1993 Musée Hausludwig, Saarlouis.
Musée de Menton.
Musée de Rubiera.
1994 Sun Kurino Museum, Atami.
1996 Musée d'Issoudun.
Biblioteca, Sant'Ilario d'Enza.
1997 L'Hermitage, Rueil Malmaison.

Works in museums and public collections

Chalcographie du Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Collections de l'Etat, Paris.
Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie, Paris.
Musée du Tabac, Paris.
Musée de la Poste, Paris.
Bibliothèque d'Abbeville.
Bibliothèque et Musée de Lyon.
Bibliothèque de Mulhouse.
Bibliothèque de Nice.
Bibliothèque et Musée de Maubeuge.
Bibliothèque et Musée de Douai.
Musée d'Amiens.
Musée d'Angoulème.
Musée d'Arras.
Musée de Beauvais.
Musée de Belfort.
Musée de Bourg-en-Bresse.
Musée de Caen.
Musée de Cambrai.
Musée de Cholet.
Musée de Digne.
Musée de Dunkerque.
Musée d'Epinal.
Musée de Gravelines.
Musée d'Issoudun.
Musée de Lille.
Musée de Menton.
Musée de Nantes.
Musée de Nîmes.
Musée de Poitiers.
Musée de Saint-Etienne.
Musée de Sète.
Musée de Strasbourg.
Musée de Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.
Musée de Vannes.
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Madrid.
Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo.
Gemeente Museum, La Haye.
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles.
Musée de Fribourg.
Cabinet des Estampes, Zurich.
Gabinetto Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence.
Museo Civico, Biella.
Museo Civico, Alessandria.
Museum of Art, Johannesburg.
Printers Museum, Tel Aviv.
Nationale Gallery, Ottawa.
University of British Columbia.
Biblioteca di Cavriago.
Biblioteca di Rubiera.
Biblioteca di Sant'Ilario. Musée de Tokyo.
Musée de Hamamatsu.
London Regional Art Museum, Ontario.
Australian National Gallery, Canberra.
Taylor Institution Library, Oxford.
Oregon State College Collection.
The Museum of Moden Art, New York.
The New York Public Library.
The Metropolitan Museum, New York.
Brooklyn Museum.
Manhattanville Collection, New York.
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.
Library of Congress, Washington DC.
The Art Institute, Chicago.
The Cleveland Museum.
The Cincinnati Museum.
University of Maine Collection, Orono.
PTA Jones E Salk College, Lewistown.
Yale University Collection, New Haven.
Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Free Library of Philadelphia.
Allentown Art Museum.
Lessing Rosenwald Collection, Jenkintown.
Grunwald Graphic Art Foundation, Los Angeles.
University of Delaware Collection.
Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona.
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Genève.
Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lelocle.
Queensland State Art Museum.
Fondation de l'Hermitage, Lausanne.
The County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.
University of California Collection, Berkeley.
University of California Museum, Santa Cruz.
Achenbach Foundation, San Francisco.
Museum of Modern Art, Santa Barbara.
The Art Museum, Cedar Rapids.
Minneapolis Institute of Art.
The College Collection, Ashland.
Art Center Museum, Des Moines.
University Collection, Princeton.
The Public Library, Boston.
Davison Art Center, Middletown.
State University collection of Michigan.
Institute of Art, Kalamazoo.
The College art collection, Albion.
Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh.
The Museum of Art, New Orleans.
University of Texas Collection.
University of Wisconsin Collection, Madison.
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota.
Portland Art Museum, Oregon. ...

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